Sunday, December 1, 2013

Gotcha Day part 2

We were able to go out to dinner for Chris' Gotcha Day.  We went to our favorite Chinese restaurant.  We all had our favorite dishes and sampled from each others pick. We hadn't been there in awhile and it was nice to see everyone again.  We used to go quite often and everyone who works there knows us.  We took the camera to get a family photo unfortunately when we tried to print it the color was really orange.  I was bummed because we needed it for our one year post placement report.  Our appointment with the social worker was the next day and all of our attempts at a family photo made us orange.
Photo at the restaurant
Sunroom at home
We finally took a nice picture during the daylight while our social worker was at our house.  It is amazing how quickly our interviews are completed now.  We have had the same social worker for both adoptions and getting together is more like catching up with a friend than talking to a social worker.  I can still remember how nervous I would get anytime we had to meet with her in the early days.  I still clean like mad before she comes but our meetings are so much more relaxed.  I still can't believe Chris has been home for a whole year.  Then again it feels like he has always been here.  He is as cute and sweet as can be but does have a naughty streak that comes out every so often.  That grin of his makes you wonder what he is up to.  He has a giggle to match.  Christopher just fits perfectly into our family.

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