Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

I took a photography class this past fall and put my new skills to use.  I now manually set my camera no more auto for me.  Today I had the kids wear their Christmas jammies and read the story the Elf on the Shelf in Chris' bed.  I took a lot of nice pictures and some fun ones of the kids acting silly and tickling each other.  I used the pictures to make Christmas cards at Shutterfly which will be in my hands next Friday.  Hopefully everyone will get their card right before Christmas.
Our first attempt the wall stickers kept getting in the photos.  I still like them.

 My Silly Kids
 Can't have a photo shoot with the bunny ears being used on someone.
 I love this picture it is one of the ones used in the card and the only one before we added lights to the bed.
 The lights gave more of a Christmas feel and helped to hide the wall stickers

 Acting silly again.

These are just a few of what I took.  I can't wait to send out the cards.

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