Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

I took a photography class this past fall and put my new skills to use.  I now manually set my camera no more auto for me.  Today I had the kids wear their Christmas jammies and read the story the Elf on the Shelf in Chris' bed.  I took a lot of nice pictures and some fun ones of the kids acting silly and tickling each other.  I used the pictures to make Christmas cards at Shutterfly which will be in my hands next Friday.  Hopefully everyone will get their card right before Christmas.
Our first attempt the wall stickers kept getting in the photos.  I still like them.

 My Silly Kids
 Can't have a photo shoot with the bunny ears being used on someone.
 I love this picture it is one of the ones used in the card and the only one before we added lights to the bed.
 The lights gave more of a Christmas feel and helped to hide the wall stickers

 Acting silly again.

These are just a few of what I took.  I can't wait to send out the cards.

Picture with Santa

Christopher has been waiting weeks to finally meet Santa and it was fantastic.  We had to wait in line for about an hour but the kids did great.  They talked and played with other children who were in line.  I have to say I thought this was going to be the hard part of our day but it was fun and very relaxed.  The pageant and our haircuts later were where Chris was not cooperative.  Well here are the Santa pics.
 I think the picture turned out well.  This was a first for both kids.  Xuelian's first year home she was scared and didn't want to do it.  She was just as excited as he was.
 Santa asked Chris what he wanted for Christmas but he didn't answer.  When Santa asked toys? Chris said YEAH! very excitedly.

 Santa asking Xuelian what she wants and has she been good? He also asked about her report card.  She was really impressed that he knew what grade she was in.
I am so glad we did this.  Every kid needs to see Santa.  I can't believe we never took Xuelian before.  We did go to a few breakfasts with Santa but didn't know that kids wouldn't meet him. We fully expected that she would meet him at the events.  He came out talked to the group and said he had to go.  I miss the Christmas parties we went to as kids.  Our lodge had one every year.  Santa brought gifts and called each child up by name.  We each got to sit on his lap and talk to him.  I wish our kids got to experience seeing Santa that way.  I do have to say Santa was great and the kids were both very happy with the visit.  We'll be going back next year for sure.

Christmas Pageant

Xuelian's school always has a nice Christmas Pageant.  I wish Chris would start to cooperate so I could really enjoy it more.  I only managed to get pictures of Xuelian's class because that was the only time Chris would pay attention enough for me to use the camera.
 Before pageant started

After performing their song.  They dressed as Native Americans.  I can't remember the name of the song but it was the first song written for Christmas to teach to the Native Americans.  The kids all did a great job. The second graders perform the nativity with the help of first grade and kindergarten.  The fifth grade dressed in German costume and sang songs that were written there.  

Friday, December 13, 2013

Christopher is 3

Chris' birthday was this past Sunday.  Grandma, Grandpa,Uncle Rich and Mary & Rosemary came to celebrate.  Chris was really excited.  He helped decorate the dining room in a Thomas the tank engine theme. He still doesn't understand presents.  They sat all day and he never asked about them.  He was really happy with his gifts and played with everything.  We had pizza (his request) and a cookie cake and ice cream.  He didn't like having Happy Birthday sung to him but liked everything else.
 Chris with Grandma and Grandpa

 With his Birthday balloons
 Singing Happy Birthday
After a couple of tries he blew out the candle

Our trip to the Christmas Tree Farm

Last weekend we went to the Christmas tree farm.  This was Chris' second trip but it felt like his first.  I don't think he remembers much from last December.  We came home with him on December 1st and Christmas preparations began right away.  He understands more about it this year.  He is getting really excited about Santa coming.  We are going to the mall this afternoon to meet Santa.  He has been asking for 2 weeks ever since we saw him at the beginning of December.  I told him we would go when Xuelian could come.  So today is the day.  Now back to the tree.  Last Saturday we went out around 10am to the farm and was windy and very cold. The kids had a great time looking at trees and picking the perfect one. It is a bit smaller than normal but it fits the space much better.
 Chris loved being out in the snow

 The kids with our Christmas tree
 Chris checking out another tree
 Dad getting ready to cut the tree

Time to take our tree home

We decorated the tree the next night after Christopher's birthday party.  I'll have to take some pictures of  our beautiful tree.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Xuelian's recital video

Xuelian's first piano recital

Xuelian started taking piano lessons in February of this year.  Today was her first piano recital and it went very well.  The only hiccup was little brother who is incapable of being quiet.  Tim took him out a few times and we spent the rest of the time just trying to keep him contained.  It was a really nice show.  There were 25 students who performed 2 pieces each.  She has some really amazing students.  I can't wait to see how far Xuelian comes next year.  I am posting a video but unfortunately it isn't in focus.  I swear that little camera goes on the fritz for important things like today.  I'll have to work on posting the video it keeps saying there is an error during uploading.  I've posted pictures and hopefully will get the video up soon.

 Warming up
 During recital 
 After the program was over
With her teacher 


We have finally completed all of our first holidays as a family.  Last year Chris, grandpa and I were in China eating KFC with friends for Thanksgiving.  The next day I ended up so sick from that dinner.  I don't think I have ever been so sick in my life.
Thanksgiving in China
This year we had our traditional Thanksgiving feast at our house with Grandma, Grandpa and my brothers.  We were really missing Aunt Sue this year.  She was unable to make it so we were one person short.  Love ya Aunt Sue.

 Table all set and ready for the feast
 The kids made everyone a turkey napkin ring.  The tail feathers are their hands traced in different colors.
 Chris and his best buddy Grandpa
 Chris fell asleep eating dinner
 Grandma and Grandpa
Xuelian and Uncle Steve

I of course was taking the pictures and forgot to have someone take a picture of me.  My brother Rich disappeared before we started taking pictures and I forgot to get him later.  I am just glad I remembered to take some at all.  Tim and I are getting really good at preparing Thanksgiving.  I make the same thing every year and have a schedule that we follow.  It makes things run so smoothly.  It was a really nice and surprisingly relaxing day.  Although my husband Mr Incredible might disagree.  He is nothing short of amazing.  He washed dishes and pots and pans as I used them.  They were always ready when I needed them for the next thing.  I know I could never pull this off without him.  It is truly a team effort.  We hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.

Gotcha Day part 2

We were able to go out to dinner for Chris' Gotcha Day.  We went to our favorite Chinese restaurant.  We all had our favorite dishes and sampled from each others pick. We hadn't been there in awhile and it was nice to see everyone again.  We used to go quite often and everyone who works there knows us.  We took the camera to get a family photo unfortunately when we tried to print it the color was really orange.  I was bummed because we needed it for our one year post placement report.  Our appointment with the social worker was the next day and all of our attempts at a family photo made us orange.
Photo at the restaurant
Sunroom at home
We finally took a nice picture during the daylight while our social worker was at our house.  It is amazing how quickly our interviews are completed now.  We have had the same social worker for both adoptions and getting together is more like catching up with a friend than talking to a social worker.  I can still remember how nervous I would get anytime we had to meet with her in the early days.  I still clean like mad before she comes but our meetings are so much more relaxed.  I still can't believe Chris has been home for a whole year.  Then again it feels like he has always been here.  He is as cute and sweet as can be but does have a naughty streak that comes out every so often.  That grin of his makes you wonder what he is up to.  He has a giggle to match.  Christopher just fits perfectly into our family.